[rabbitmq-discuss] Recommended python library for simple use?

Alexis Richardson alexis.richardson at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 03:03:45 BST 2009


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On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Allen Fowler<allen.fowler at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Ben,
>> > 1) Is it hard to set up RabbitMQ for single machine use?
>> I wouldn't have thought so. There are packages for a variety of
>> penguins as well as windows. It's quite a straightforward process.
> Planning to use Ubuntu Server, so I will use their packages.
> More concerned with configuration, than installation.  Is it a big deal?
>> > 2) I see there are a few AMQP projects for python.  What should I use?
>> A lot of people on this list seem to prefer Barry's library for it's
>> simplicity but YMMV. Some people prefer txAMQP because they're running
>> stuff in a reactor.
> That's ampqlib, right?
>> > Each task unit is less than 1kb and I don't intend for the queue to be allowed
>> to grow than ~200 task units long.  At that point, I have the task producer set
>> to pause and wait until the queue goes down.
>> Without a back channel, how is the producer going to know about the queue depth?
> The one-and-only producer, I had thought, would do something like sleep for a few seconds, query the queue size, and if it's getting low, generate a new block of tasks.
> Is this not advisable in RabbitMQ based systems?
>> > I do want to be able to flag certain tasks as "dependant", so that a certain
>> task must be marked "done" before it's dependent can can run.
>> That sounds quite application specific. Certainly you could set up
>> routing rules to put different classes of task into different queues,
>> but that may be too coarse grained for what you need.
> Maybe.
> Basically most tasks only need to be done in a "loose FIFO" manner.   Some tasks will wind up sharing a particular attribute, and so their relative order must be followed.  The pool of possible values for this attribute is unlimited, but for any given task block, about 1/3 will share the attribute value with at least one other task.
> Any ideas?
> Thank you,
> :)
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