[rabbitmq-discuss] mysterious rabbit crash

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at lshift.net
Tue May 19 18:05:11 BST 2009

Dmitriy Samovskiy wrote:
> way to roughly 00:27am). Which makes me wonder why rabbit was using so much memory if its 
> queues were being drained normally...

Indeed. If you still have the persister log around somewhere, it might
be worth feeding it to a rabbit and using rabbitmqctl to get a picture
of the states of the queues implied by the file?

 [][][] Tony Garnock-Jones     | Mob: +44 (0)7905 974 211
   [][] LShift Ltd             | Tel: +44 (0)20 7729 7060
 []  [] http://www.lshift.net/ | Email: tonyg at lshift.net

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