[rabbitmq-discuss] direct exchanges / routing key necessary?

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Mon May 4 20:45:03 BST 2009

Marek, Alexis,

Alexis Richardson wrote:
> You may want to look at ACLs in RabbitMQ:
> http://www.nabble.com/ACLs-td21615692.html  Users who do not have
> permission to manage their own bindings, and who can only send and
> receive messages, will not be able to add bindings and hence
> compromise your scheme.  I think but am not 100% that this is possible
> with how RabbitMQ currently implements ACLs.

ACLs can indeed do this, though the above approach requires that the 
queues and bindings must be created by a "superuser", which may or may 
not fit the use case here.

NB: The implementation of ACLs has not made it into an official release 
yet, and it is slightly different than what is documented in the above link.



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