[rabbitmq-discuss] Erlang RabbitMQ Client Error ({error, {aborted, {no_exists, [user, <<"guest">>]}}})

Lynton Grice lynton.grice at logosworld.com
Mon Jun 8 18:37:41 BST 2009

Hi there,


I am trying to get more into RabbitMQ and have downloaded and installed it
on my Windows box.....AWESOME product!


BTW: I am running Erlang R13B, RabbitMQ server
"rabbitmq-server-windows-1.5.5".....and also the latest client Erlang code
from the website. 


First off I can send and receive messages to the RabbitMQ server using a
PYTHON client....that is 100% fine...


But now I am trying to get a connection from an Erlang client and am coming
up with the following error...



** exception error: no match of right hand side value


     in function  amqp_connection:start/3



So this is the basic piece of code below (just a snippet for now)....all I
want to do is open up a connection to the RabbitMQ server...


test() ->

    User = Password = "guest",

    %% Start a connection to the server

    Connection = amqp_connection:start(User, Password).


I have been looking in the "amqp_connection.erl" code but cannot see exactly
where the error occurs.....I have an idea but nothing specific....


I presume this is a very basic error to solve? I have see some discussion on
this at
l but still see no concrete answer on how I can solve it....


Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated ;-) 


Many thanks




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