[rabbitmq-discuss] Stomp Connector not working in tip against 1.5.5

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Wed Jun 3 23:58:20 BST 2009


Gavin M. Roy wrote:
> I also had an issue with rabbitmq-stomp with the tag rabbitmq_v1_5_3 
> against rabbitmq 1.5.5, which I would guess is the change that Nemanja 
> just wrote about:
>     "I had this same issue. Luckily it's easy to take care of. Just edit
>     src/rabbit_stomp.erl in the stomp adapter (assuming it's from hg
>     tip) and change
>     line 364     
>     ChPid = rabbit_channel:start_link(?MODULE, self(), self(),
>     U#user.username, list_to_binary(VirtualHost)),
>     to
>     ChPid = rabbit_channel:start_link(self(), self(), U#user.username,
>     list_to_binary(VirtualHost)),"

Nothing has changed in the rabbit_channel:start_link function between 
v1_5_3 and v1_5_5. However, the signature *has* changed between v1_5_x 
and our development branch. And the code base for the stomp connector 
has followed suit, i.e. the v1_5 branch (and all revisions tagged 
rabbitmq_v1_5_x) use the old signature and the development branch uses 
the new signature.

So the only way for the above error to occur is if a dev-branch stomp 
connector is used with a v1_5_x (or earlier) server code base.



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