[rabbitmq-discuss] erlang-client issue, discarding content?

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Thu Jul 30 20:46:55 BST 2009

Suhail Doshi wrote:
> Looking in my logs shows a large gap in time, in bold is where it is:
> =INFO REPORT==== 30-Jul-2009::17:26:56 ===
>     alarm_handler: {set,{system_memory_high_watermark,[]}}

This indicates that rabbit got close to running out of memory and told 
all connected clients to stop sending any more messages. Hence the 
"Discarding ..." message you were seeing in the erlang client. Your 
consumers should continue to receive messages, albeit slowly if rabbit 
is swapping.

Perhaps your consumers are not acknowledging received messages, causing 
them to keep piling up at the server?

I recommend checking the queue lengths/sizes with 'rabbitmqctl list_queues'.



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