[rabbitmq-discuss] getting started, broker runs; can't get status

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Sat Jan 31 08:20:29 GMT 2009


dave farkas wrote:
> I'm seeing a similar problem on RHE 5 (64 bit).  I've installed verision 
> 1.5.1-1 from the fedora linux (64-bit) rpm.

Thanks for the detailed report. I don't think this is quite the same 
problem as other folks have seen, mainly because of this:

> [root at db1 rabbitmq]# more startup_err
> Error: cannot_get_pid

...which I don't recall anybody reporting before.

As you observed, rabbitmq is indeed happily running. However, for some 
reason the launcher program failed to communicate with it and obtain 
(and record) its process id. The error

> [root at db1 init.d]# ./rabbitmq-server status
> Status of all running nodes...
> Error: no_nodes_running

is a consequence of that.

What happens when you run
   rabbitmqctl status
(which should live in /usr/sbin, or /sbin or some such place - do *not* 
run the one in /usr/lib64/rabbitmq/bin/)?



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