[rabbitmq-discuss] Tracking Queues and Exchanges

Ben Hood 0x6e6562 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 08:37:35 GMT 2009


On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 4:03 AM, Daniel N <has.sox at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've tried to locate this in the docs but I haven't been able to find it
> (not that it's not there).

Have you read this?


> Specifically, what queues are on any given exchange, how many messages it's
> doing per s etc.

This is not possible because we don't expose statistics for delivered
messages, i.e. the case when messages don't get queued, just

> For Queues, how many messages are in it at any given time, how many / what
> clients are reading from it?

You should be able to get these. See the above documentation.

> I'm currently using the amqp ruby library to connect and setup my workers.

These is not exposed by the amqp ruby library, just via the rabbitmqctl CLI.



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