[rabbitmq-discuss] Integrating sipX with ejabberd using RabbitMQ

Alexis Richardson alexis.richardson at cohesiveft.com
Wed Jan 14 15:10:45 GMT 2009


On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Joel Reed <joelwreed at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks to the RabbitMQ team for a great open source messaging server!


> I recently completed an integration of ejabberd with sipX using
> RabbitMQ. It was easy to use and configure, and I really appreciate the
> great documentation available.

This is extremely cool.  You say, in your blog post, "I plan on using
it to facilitate a loosely coupled, event driven architecture for
integrating multiple open source applications".  Please tell us more,
that sounds exciting.  What sort of other applications do you plan to
integrate and for what sorts of use cases?

> I'm hoping that someday a message tracing option can be added for
> debugging purposes. That's the only thing I missed.

Do you mean 'end to end'?  Or something inside the RabbitMQ broker?

> I wrote about it on my blog in case you're interested in the details:
> http://ropeonfire.blogspot.com/2009/01/integrating-sipx-with-ejabberd.html

Great post - thanks for writing it up.


> jr
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