[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ timing out under small load

Dmitriy Samovskiy dmitriy.samovskiy at cohesiveft.com
Wed Jan 7 23:38:27 GMT 2009

gfodor wrote:
>  tail -n 100000 rabbit.log | grep -A2 -B2 timeout | grep '6-Jan-2009::02'  |
> grep 'ERROR' | wc -l
> 15
> root at rabbit1:/var/log/rabbitmq# tail -n 100000 rabbit.log | grep -A2 -B2
> timeout | grep '6-Jan-2009::01'  | grep 'ERROR' | wc -l
> 69
> root at rabbit1:/var/log/rabbitmq# tail -n 100000 rabbit.log | grep -A2 -B2
> timeout | grep '6-Jan-2009::00'  | grep 'ERROR' | wc -l
> 21

FWIW, there are a couple of reports of ec2 connectivity/network issues around 2 am US 
Pacific Time on Jan 6:


Also not a complete loss of connectivity, but something strange going on, possibly limited 
to new connections only and certainly not impacting all of ec2.

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