[rabbitmq-discuss] Durable queues & bindings

Levi Greenspan greenspan.levi at googlemail.com
Sat Apr 11 22:27:44 BST 2009


On Sat, 2009-04-11 at 08:46 +0100, Matthias Radestock wrote:
> Levi,
> Levi Greenspan wrote:
> > I upgraded to version 1.5.4 and now I see the queues and bindings after
> > the node is running again. However in 1.5.3 it didn't work for me.
> I can't think of anything that has changed between 1.5.3 and 1.5.4 that 
> would cause this, except that startup times for when there are lots of 
> durable exchanges, queues or bindings have improved significantly. The 
> recreation of these entities is now also happening incrementally. So 
> it's possible that previously rabbitmqctl would not list any queues for 
> you if it was called right after you started the broker - though it 
> should have done so eventually - whereas now it does.

I have attached a small Java test client and a transcript which shows
the different behavior between version 1.5.3 and 1.5.4. Maybe you can
reproduce it.

> > Anyway I noticed another difference between 1.5.3 and 1.5.4 - the call
> > to com.rabbitmq.client.Connection.getKnownHosts() in that Java client
> > API returns the list of all running node addresses in 1.5.3, but only
> > one host address in 1.5.4 - a bug?
> Nothing has changed in that area of the code. Are you sure that all your 
> nodes are running and listening?

Yes, I am. The test client prints the known hosts and for 1.5.3 the
reult is "localhost:5672", whereas for 1.5.4 it is "localhost:5673" and
"localhost:5672". Again I hope you can reproduce it with the attached
client. I am using Ubuntu 8.10 on x86 and I compiled erlang using the
offically released source, not the Ubuntu packages.

$ erl -version
Erlang (SMP,ASYNC_THREADS,HIPE) (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.5

Many thanks again,

-------------- next part --------------
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-------------- next part --------------
user at host ~ $ cd rabbitmq-server-1.5.3/
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.3 $ scripts/rabbitmq-multi start_all 2
Starting all nodes...
Starting node rabbit at localhost...
RabbitMQ 1.5.3 (AMQP 8-0)
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC., and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
Licensed under the MPL.  See http:/www.rabbitmq.com/

Logging to "/opt/logs/rabbitmq/rabbit.log"
SASL logging to "/opt/logs/rabbitmq/rabbit-sasl.log"

starting database             ...done
starting core processes       ...done
starting recovery             ...done
starting persister            ...done
starting guid generator       ...done
starting builtin applications ...done
starting TCP listeners        ...done

broker running
Starting node rabbit_1 at localhost...
RabbitMQ 1.5.3 (AMQP 8-0)
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC., and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
Licensed under the MPL.  See http:/www.rabbitmq.com/

Logging to "/opt/logs/rabbitmq/rabbit_1.log"
SASL logging to "/opt/logs/rabbitmq/rabbit_1-sasl.log"

starting database             ...done
starting core processes       ...done
starting recovery             ...done
starting persister            ...done
starting guid generator       ...done
starting builtin applications ...done
starting TCP listeners        ...done

broker running
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.3 $ scripts/rabbitmqctl list_bindings
Listing bindings ...

    >>> Now I executed the test client in another shell. <<<

user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.3 $ scripts/rabbitmqctl list_bindings
Listing bindings ...
	my-queue	my-queue	[]
my-exchange	my-queue	my-key	[]
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.3 $ scripts/rabbitmqctl stop
Stopping and halting node rabbit at localhost ...
Erlang has closed
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.3 $ scripts/rabbitmq-server -detached
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.3 $ scripts/rabbitmqctl list_bindings
Listing bindings ...
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.3 $ scripts/rabbitmqctl list_bindings
Listing bindings ...
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.3 $ scripts/rabbitmq-multi stop_all
Stopping all nodes...
Stopping node rabbit_1 at localhost
Erlang has closed
Stopping node rabbit at localhost
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.3 $ cd ../rabbitmq-server-1.5.4/

    >>> Deleted mnesia files to start from scratch. <<<

user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.4 $ scripts/rabbitmq-multi start_all 2
Starting all nodes...
Starting node rabbit at localhost...
RabbitMQ 1.5.4 (AMQP 8-0)
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC., and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
Licensed under the MPL.  See http:/www.rabbitmq.com/

Logging to "/opt/logs/rabbitmq/rabbit.log"
SASL logging to "/opt/logs/rabbitmq/rabbit-sasl.log"

starting database             ...done
starting core processes       ...done
starting recovery             ...done
starting persister            ...done
starting guid generator       ...done
starting builtin applications ...done
starting TCP listeners        ...done

broker running
Starting node rabbit_1 at localhost...
RabbitMQ 1.5.4 (AMQP 8-0)
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC., and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
Licensed under the MPL.  See http:/www.rabbitmq.com/

Logging to "/opt/logs/rabbitmq/rabbit_1.log"
SASL logging to "/opt/logs/rabbitmq/rabbit_1-sasl.log"

starting database             ...done
starting core processes       ...done
starting recovery             ...done
starting persister            ...done
starting guid generator       ...done
starting builtin applications ...done
starting TCP listeners        ...done

broker running
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.4 $ scripts/rabbitmqctl list_bindings
Listing bindings ...

    >>> Now I executed the test client in another shell. <<<

user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.4 $ scripts/rabbitmqctl list_bindings
Listing bindings ...
	my-queue	my-queue	[]
my-exchange	my-queue	my-key	[]
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.4 $ scripts/rabbitmqctl stop
Stopping and halting node rabbit at localhost ...
Erlang has closed
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.4 $ scripts/rabbitmq-server -detached
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.4 $ scripts/rabbitmqctl list_bindings
Listing bindings ...
	my-queue	my-queue	[]
my-exchange	my-queue	my-key	[]
user at host ~/rabbitmq-server-1.5.4 $

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