[rabbitmq-discuss] Broker data

rathi riteshrathi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 20:01:27 BST 2009

I have found out the various commands which I need to invoke to get the data
exposed via rabbitmqctl. Have been able to get the values via the JInterface
for some of them. But for queue, exchange related information I am not able
to get things via JInterface. The erlang command which I invoke to get the
list of exchanges :
rpc:call(rabbit at server,rabbit_exchange,info_all,[<<"/">>],3000)]

The above command represented in JInterface code :

        OtpSelf self = new OtpSelf("client", "rathitest");
        OtpPeer other  = new OtpPeer("rabbit at server");
        OtpConnection connection = self.connect(other);
        OtpErlangObject [] obj = {new OtpErlangAtom("<<\"/\">>")}
        OtpErlangList  arg = new OtpErlangList(obj);

When I invoke the above given code it gives :

test :

Can anybody please suggest what is going wrong here.

thanks & regards,

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:32 AM, Matthias Radestock <matthias at lshift.net>wrote:

> Chris,
> Chris Pettitt wrote:
>> A few weeks back I was looking at using JInterface to create a JMX
>> interface for RabbitMQ. I still haven't had cycles to work on it, but
>> one of the immediate issues I saw was that I could not use
>> rabbitmq_control.erl (the actual module for rabbitmqctl) directly,
>> because it does not return the results, but instead prints them to
>> stdout. You can make the same RPC calls that rabbitmqctl does though
>> to get the results.
> rabbit_control.erl is just a thin wrapper around the internal APIs. It
> deals with option parsing and result presentation. So calling the internal
> APIs directly, as you suggest, is indeed the way to go if you want to expose
> the rabbit_control functionality programmatically.
> Matthias
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