[rabbitmq-discuss] project idea for final year project

Alexis Richardson alexis.richardson at cohesiveft.com
Wed Oct 29 13:27:21 GMT 2008


On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 1:05 PM, shashi fernando <shash4evr at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi all,

Hi :-)

> im a final year student and looking for a project for my final year
> (duration - 8 moths). Still im newbie to
> RabbitMQ, but have experience on managing messaging protocols.
> And i would like to carry out my project on management of distributed
> systems while
> making a contribution to open source world.

An excellent idea!

> im glad if you guys can propose some ideas relating to my interested areas
> and provide
> useful information necessary.

One idea would be to look at what management tools are already
provided by the underlying erlang/OTP platform, such as Appmon, and
find a way to expose the most important ones to non-erlang users.
There are lots and lots of ways that this could be done, but the
easiest would be via completely language neutral means, e.g. HTTP,
SNMP and of course AMQP.

Another - complementary - idea is this: If you look at current
research into systems management for the industry, people are saying
that WS-Man is too complicated and that providing a RESTful interface
would be better.  Certainly RabbitMQ would be a good harness to show
such an invention.

Also, you could look at using queues to manage other things, by the
command pattern.

It all depends how much work you want to do yourself, and how much you
want to make use of existing tools.

Other folks on the list may have suggestions.  Perhaps we can pool
them and help you figure out which is best for your goals.


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