[rabbitmq-discuss] Bug(?) in stopping multiple instances of rabbitmq-server

Terry Jones terry at jon.es
Wed Oct 22 00:59:29 BST 2008

The following is run in the scripts directory of the rabbitmq-server-1.4.0
distribution. I'm using Ubuntu Hardy latest & greatest.

First I start and stop rabbitmq manually:

    # ./rabbitmq-multi start_all 1

    # ps aux | grep rabbitmq | grep -v grep
    root     24785  0.0  0.0   3944   592 ?        Ss   01:41   0:00 /bin/sh ./rabbitmq-server -noinput

    # ./rabbitmq-multi stop_all

That's all fine. I can also start it specifying a port via NODE_PORT=22222
on the command line. That starts fine and I can telnet localhost 22222 and
get connected. I can then stop it via *either*

    NODE_PORT=22222 ./rabbitmq-multi stop_all
    ./rabbitmq-multi stop_all

I'm not sure how it knows how to stop itself when I don't tell it the port
number. That's presumably logged somewhere. It may be related to this:

    # ./rabbitmq-multi start_all 1
    Starting all nodes...

    # NODENAME=fred NODE_PORT=30000 ./rabbitmq-multi start_all 1
    Starting all nodes...

I now have 2 instances of rabbitmq-server running (verified by ps and
telnet). I stop one:

    # NODENAME=fred NODE_PORT=30000 ./rabbitmq-multi stop_all
    Stopping all nodes...

So far so good. There's just one rabbitmq-server running, I can telnet to
it on 5672, but I can no longer stop it:

    # ./rabbitmq-multi stop_all
    Stopping all nodes...

    rabbit_multi action stop_all failed:

Even though ps shows the process is still there. I have to kill it manually.


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