[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ C# client

Hubert Plociniczak hubert at lshift.net
Mon Oct 6 18:06:11 BST 2008

Hi Michel,

I tested your code with the current C# RabbitMQ client's default branch 
and 1.4.0 release against the RabbitMQ broker and everything worked 
Can you tell us which version of C# RabbitMQ client are you using ?
Are you running .Net or Mono? Which version?

Maybe the problem is in OpenAMQ or WireAPI ?


Michel Polder wrote:
> I have a RabbitMQ client that connects to an OpenAMQ server and sends a
> message using the BasicPublish function. The problem is that my RabbitMQ
> client connects sucessfully but is disconnected from the OpenAMQ server when
> sending a message. 
> The client that listens for the message is written in C using the WireAPI
> also disconnects on the amq_content_basic_get_body function call. I've attached
> my test code below.
> any idea what's going on?
> thanks,
> Michel
 [][][] Hubert Plociniczak
   [][] LShift Ltd
 []  [] www.lshift.net

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