[rabbitmq-discuss] persistence

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Wed May 21 11:56:49 BST 2008


Lars Bachmann wrote:
> Im not happy with all behaviour and having different issues.
> I delayed the time before closing a channel up to 50 seconds. In this 
> case i was able to send about 150000 messages correctly. If I try to 
> send more messages I also have to increase the delay time.

We know what the problem is here, and it's going to be fixed in the next 

> But if the 
> communication between producer and broker takes too long i get an 
> "java.net.SocketException".

What do you mean by "takes too long"?

> After this exception also the broker dont respond anymore. The process 
> is still running but i cant connect with an erlang shell to the broker. 
> Very strange behaviour. All I can do in this situation is to restart the 
> broker ...

That's strange indeed. RabbitMQ is normally quite difficult to kill :)

> In the log file is nothing unusal.

Does this go for both the rabbit.log and rabbit-sasl.log?

In any case, please send me the contents of these files.


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