[rabbitmq-discuss] persistence

Lars Bachmann lars.bachmann at s2002.tu-chemnitz.de
Fri May 16 16:01:36 BST 2008


i perform this check after my producer has terminated, but even if i  
make this test some minutes later still the same result. I send 60000  
messages and only for example 48000 are in the queue. (i actually  
noticed it has nothing to do with pub/sub scenario its only about the  
amount of messages i sent persistent). So there are always some  
messages in the queue but not all. Now i connected a consumer to the  
queue and it receives only the amount of messages which were in the  
queue. (which means 48000 in the above example). I attached also the  
client of the consumer, which is the a modified simpletopic consumer  
from the cleint package.


> Lars,
> Lars Bachmann wrote:
>> Im using the erlang shell to connect to the broker. With   
>> "rabbit_amqqueue:stat_all()." i get a list of all queues with the   
>> messages of the broker. And the message count for the listed queues  
>>  is not correct.
> When do you perform this check? Straight after your producer has terminated?
> Is the Erlang VM idle when you perform the check?
> basic.publish is asynchronous; the messages may get buffered in various
> places before eventually hitting the queues.
> Matthias.

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