[rabbitmq-discuss] persistence

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Fri May 16 13:49:34 BST 2008


Lars Bachmann wrote:
> well the consumer is not important in this case, because the error is 
> that not all messages which the producer sends are received in each 
> queue (persistent). The consumer just reads the messages from one queue. 
> The error supposed to be within the producer because the messages are 
> not stored correctly. When Im sending 60000 messages to one exchange 
> which routes them to 2 queues but the 2 queues dont receive this 60000 
> messages, the consumer has nothing to do with it.

How did you find out all the above when you haven't got a consumer? I.e. 
how did you determine that "not all messages which the producer sends 
are received in each queue"?

In order to reproduce your problem I need to know what you measured / 
looked at.


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