[rabbitmq-discuss] persistence

Lars Bachmann lars.bachmann at s2002.tu-chemnitz.de
Thu May 15 11:49:55 BST 2008


> Lars,
> Lars Bachmann wrote:
>> 1. if my producer sends only a small amount of messages (lets say    
>> 5000), then all queues receive all messages persistent and   
>> everything  is ok
>> 2. if my producer sends a larger amount of messages (lets say   
>> 100000), then some strange behaviour appears. All queues receive   
>> only some of  this messages. Sometimes 80% sometimes 50% sometimes   
>> even only 10% =>  i couldnt discover any pattern, it seemed to be   
>> just random
> Could you send us the client code, please? I'd like to try reproducing this.

i attached the sources of the producer

>> So Im wondering why this happens. Could it be that there are too   
>> many  messages to persist and the broker cant handle it because of   
>> i dont  know too less memory or some like this ?
> The way you described it above, the messages should certainly get
> routed to (and persisted by) all the queues.
> Are there any errors in the server logs?

there are no errors in the logs

>> Another question: Lets say we have 5 subscriber (each listen to his  
>>   "own" queue) in the pub / sub scenario and we want persistent   
>> message  storing. Does this mean that each messages is stored 5   
>> times ? (and  for n subscribers n times which would cause a big   
>> overhead)
> In a non-clustered setup only one copy of the message is stored. In a
> cluster we store one copy of the message *per node* that has queues to
> which the message was routed.

thank you for information

> Matthias.


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