[rabbitmq-discuss] Channel crashes after basic.cancel_ok.
Edwin Fine
rabbitmq-discuss_efine at usa.net
Mon May 12 20:56:59 BST 2008
I was monitoring my running system, and unless I am mistaken, it looks as if
amqp_network_connection:reader_loop/4 has a non-tail recursive call, which
is making it eat stack and heap like there's no tomorrow. There's a call to
gen_tcp:close(Sock) at the end of the function. I suggest you move this to
the last line of start_reader as shown:
start_reader(Sock, FramingPid) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
put({channel, 0},{chpid, FramingPid}),
{ok, Ref} = prim_inet:async_recv(Sock, 7, -1),
reader_loop(Sock, undefined, undefined, undefined),
* gen_tcp:close(Sock).*
reader_loop(Sock, Type, Channel, Length) ->
{inet_async, Sock, _, {ok, <<Payload:Length/binary,?FRAME_END>>} }
case handle_frame(Type, Channel, Payload) of
closed_ok ->
_ ->
{ok, Ref} = prim_inet:async_recv(Sock, 7, -1),
reader_loop(Sock, undefined, undefined, undefined)
{inet_async, Sock, _, {ok, <<_Type:8,_Channel:16,PayloadSize:32>>}}
{ok, Ref} = prim_inet:async_recv(Sock, PayloadSize + 1, -1),
reader_loop(Sock, _Type, _Channel, PayloadSize);
{inet_async, Sock, Ref, {error, Reason}} ->
io:format("Have a look into this one: ~p~n",[Reason]);
{heartbeat, Heartbeat} ->
rabbit_heartbeat:start_heartbeat(Sock, Heartbeat),
reader_loop(Sock, Type, Channel, Length);
{ChannelPid, ChannelNumber} ->
start_framing_channel(ChannelPid, ChannelNumber),
reader_loop(Sock, Type, Channel, Length);
timeout ->
io:format("Reader (~p) received timeout from heartbeat, exiting
{'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
[H|T] = get_keys({chpid,Pid}),
reader_loop(Sock, Type, Channel, Length);
Other ->
io:format("Other ~p~n",[Other])
* gen_tcp:close(Sock). %% Non-tail recursive call*
On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 2:07 PM, Ben Hood <0x6e6562 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ed,
> On 10 May 2008, at 01:02, Edwin Fine wrote:
> Thanks, Ben, I will take a look and give you some feedback.
> In the meantime, I have done the following:
> - Changed my consumer code (I use the term "consumer" loosely as
> "anything that eats the output of a producer") to use basic.get instead of
> basic.consume. Actually, it's set up so that I can select basic.get or
> basic.consume behavior at run-time. I didn't want to throw away working
> basic.consume code :)
> - Changed the process that creates consumers so that it now creates
> one channel per consumer. Previously, there was one channel only for all
> consumers. One-channel-per-consumer was the only way I could get the code to
> work with the network client; in the one-channel scenario I was getting back
> responses to messages destined for different consumers. I assume that with
> your changes I will be able to again use one channel for all consumers.
> - I tested with 50 queues (each with its own consumer and channel)
> and it seemed reasonably performant, even with the get. I need to try a
> full-blast test soon.
> I have now commited fix 2 of 3 to the mtn repo which addresses the issue
> of not being able to subscribe concurrently. So the 2 issues you mention
> here should be addressed.
> The outstanding issue is to close the writer down properly in the network
> case.
> HTH,
> Ben
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