[rabbitmq-discuss] More RabbitMQ Erlang client woes

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Fri May 9 12:24:43 BST 2008

Ben Hood wrote:
> On 9 May 2008, at 11:57, Matthias Radestock wrote:
>> The server is already linking the writer and the channel, though the  
>> way that is done may not be immediately obvious.
> Are you talking about start_link/4 in rabbit_channel? If I'm not  
> mistaken, this is linking the writing and the channel in the direct  
> case, but not in the network case.

I was talking about what the server does. Nothing to do with the Erlang 
client, other than they share a code base. You appeared to be saying 
that linking the channel and the writer requires changes to that code 
base. I want to understand why that is the case, given that the server 
is establish precisely these kinds of links using that code base. Or, to 
put it differently, if the server can do it, why can't the Erlang client?


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