[rabbitmq-discuss] Fwd: RabbitMQ error

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Wed May 7 06:00:39 BST 2008


Michael Arnoldus wrote:
>>> =ERROR REPORT==== 5-May-2008::08:46:22 ===
>>> ** Too many db tables **

> to add to the weirdness when this error happens we have to restart
> rabbit and it still doesn't work. The only way we have found to make
> it work again is to delete the mnesia directory. So it does seem like
> something is happening with mnesia.

I suspect that if rabbit ran out of processes before the restart then it 
may have corrupted mnesia.

> Also after the restart this is in the logfile
> =INFO REPORT==== 5-May-2008::08:50:05 ===
> Exception: Channel 5, Reason {amqp,not_found,'basic.publish'}

That just means the server couldn't find the exchange during a 
basic.publish, which isn't surprising if mnesia is playing up.

> If it is any help I can try to recreate the problem and send you a set 
> of corrupted mnesia files (or a textfile export).

The most promising route of investigation is probably to look at what 
processes are running before the system actually runs out of them.


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