[rabbitmq-discuss] .NET Client Library Shared Queue Closed Error on Subscription When No Msgs in Queue

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at lshift.net
Sun Mar 30 18:54:29 BST 2008

Hi Bill,

BillC wrote:
> Please can you help me with the following error. Using the examples
> that come with the .NET Cllient Library I have written a small program
> that creates a subscription and reads any published messages in the
> queue. The code works and reads any messages in the queue, however when
> there are no more messages left to read in the Queue or when you run the
> program without any messages in the queue (i.e. when the queue is empty)
> the connection simply closes and throws the following EndOfStreamException:
> [...]

That's a strange behaviour. I've just compiled your source code (with a 
few minor changes for my .NET installation, and using localhost etc 
instead of your 10.* IP) and tried it, and I can't seem to make it do 
anything besides quietly receive and print messages :-)

Could you provide step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the 
fault, perhaps?

I've attached the C# file I used to try to reproduce the fault.


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