[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ odd behaviour

David.Corcoran at edftrading.com David.Corcoran at edftrading.com
Tue Jun 24 10:49:40 BST 2008

> Just out of interest's sake, and I don't think this is causal, but
> does it make any difference if you use R12B-3 instead of R11B-5?

Hey Ben,

I installed R12B-3. I haven't changed anything else and now it runs
perfectly fast. If I stop rabbitmq and restart with the previous version it
goes very slow again.

Now if I run both producer and consumer at the same time I get ~18K
messages/s each. If I run producer then consumer I get 27K messages/s for
the producer and 44K messages/s for the consumer. Which is pretty

Thanks for the help,


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