[rabbitmq-discuss] AMQP command_invalid

Ben Hood 0x6e6562 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 10:11:46 BST 2008


On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Michael Arnoldus <chime at mu.dk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Once or twice per day one of our AMQP communicating services stops
> responding to any AMQP communication. At the same time we consistently get
> this message in the rabbit log:
> =INFO REPORT==== 12-May-2008::18:21:54 ===
> Exception: Channel 3, Reason {amqp,command_invalid,none}
> Except the channel might change.
> I know I've already asked about this, but I'm lost at how to get any further
> so if anybody has any ideas about how to get more info, please let me know.

Does the interpreter create a crash dump file?



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