[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ / Spring integration

opendev at gmail.com opendev at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 15:04:37 BST 2008

Hi Ben,

On 21.07.2008, at 00:52, Ben Hood wrote:

On that note, does anybody in the community have any ideas about how
they would like to see this happen? Any particular tools?

I'd apply for a Confluence OpenSource license [1].

Are you asking about what kind of typical patterns one would like to
have from a high level client's perspective?

Yes. Things like a bean which declares an exchange + queue(s) +
consumer(s) etc. Templates like "Consume something from A, do
something with it, reply to A', ack A", transactional semantics etc.
should probably be part of the integration, too.

BTW, do you have any source that we can look at?

Yes but nothing too fancy. I wrote a FactoryBean for Connections
(which is now, perhaps unwisely, called ConnectionFactoryBean with a
ConnectionFactoryBean as property) and for Channels. I also wrote an
example of how to wrap Channel instances with Spring Proxies for e.g.
thread-local behaviour (using ThreadLocalTargetSource) and how to
invert the channel numbering (if this is of relevance) using
Strategies such as simple increment, annotations (via a Proxy &
BeanPostProcessor combo) or e.g. Thread name.

I can send you sources if you want but discussing them in a Wiki might
be a better alternative.

Best regards,


[1]: http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/licensing.jsp#nonprofit

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