[rabbitmq-discuss] Broker leak with MulticastMain?

Holger Hoffstätte holger at wizards.de
Tue Jul 15 11:49:26 BST 2008

I've been trying a few things with the Java client and noticed that 
MulticastMain seems to cause unlimited broker growth. Periodically the 
process' rsize shrinks, but not as much as it subsequently continues to 
grow again. I noticed this when the Multicast test printed ever increasing 
latencies (see attachment).
The Java client is on Windows and runs with the default settings (one 
producer, one consumer); the broker is run on Linux 2.6.26 with r12b3. It 
happens with both rabbit 1.3.0 and a fresh build pulled from hg.

What can I do to help fix this? I have the beam process table & info (via 
ctrl-c in the emulator) but as they are fairly large I don't want to spam 
the list with them.


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