[rabbitmq-discuss] Stomp gateway incompatible with recent builds?

David Cornell david.cornell at sophos.com
Mon Jul 14 19:48:46 BST 2008

I downloaded the stomp gateway and followed the directions, but make run
failed. Is it incompatible with the most recent release? Is this why it
is not linked in on the downloads area?

Here is the output of make:

# make run
make -C ../rabbitmq-server run \
                RABBIT_ARGS='-pa '"$(pwd)/ebin"' -rabbit \
                        stomp_listeners [{\"\",61613}] \
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/rabbitmq-server'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `run'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/rabbitmq-server'
make: *** [start_server] Error 2

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