[rabbitmq-discuss] Hg Repo

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at lshift.net
Fri Jul 4 09:44:44 BST 2008


> Sorry, I didn't realize you were talking about the stomp adapter when
> you mentioned this branch issue.
> Although I can't answer this question,  Tony will be able to, hence
> I'm forwarding this to the list (which is a good idea in general :-)

Now that the main RabbitMQ Server mercurial repository is available, you 
can use the "default" branch of the STOMP adapter so long as you also 
use the "default" branch from the server's repository.

The 1.3.0 support branch of the STOMP adapter will still have to be used 
for those using the 1.3.0 server release.


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