[rabbitmq-discuss] XMPP gateway released

Michael Arnoldus chime at mu.dk
Tue Jul 1 14:09:40 BST 2008

Hi Tony,

This definitely sounds cool. I'll try to install it and play around  
with. This also seems like a way to do some kind of Human Management  


Michael Arnoldus

On Jul 1, 2008, at 14:38 , Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’m pleased to announce that our XMPP gateway for exposing AMQP  
> services
> to the global XMPP network has been released.
> By bridging between the two systems, we benefit from:
>     * XMPP’s internet-scale addressing and federation
>     * XMPP’s presence model
>     * AMQP’s store-and-forward capability
>     * AMQP’s routing and filtering (using exchanges and bindings)
> The current implementation is a very simple mapping between the two
> systems. Its simplicity keeps the code short, but only exposes a  
> subset
> of AMQP features to the XMPP network, and vice versa.
> The full announcement, with links to documentation and downloads, is
> available at
> http://www.lshift.net/blog/2008/07/01/rabbitmq-xmpp-gateway-released.
> I'd be very interested in any feedback on the current approach and any
> suggestions as to alternative ways of integrating the two networks.
> Regards,
>   Tony
> -- 
>  [][][] Tony Garnock-Jones     | Mob: +44 (0)7905 974 211
>    [][] LShift Ltd             | Tel: +44 (0)20 7729 7060
>  []  [] http://www.lshift.net/ | Email: tonyg at lshift.net
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