[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ internal error

Michael Arnoldus chime at mu.dk
Wed Feb 27 09:02:07 GMT 2008


Yesterday we experienced another problem with RabbitMQ. Possibly still  
our own fault, but this time a bit more severe. Suddenly from out of  
the blue it was impossible to send a single message through Rabbit.  
Even restart of the components connecting to rabbit didn't help. The  
erlang process stayed but didn't seem to work. Killing the beam  
process helped and everything returned to normal.

In a log file we had:

ERROR    2008-02-26 16:17:32,857   --call got Closed:  
Method(name=close, id=60) (541, 'INTERNAL_ERROR', 0, 0) content = None

The part of the message after "Closed:" is from a Qpid Python  
exception. I'm still prepared to suspect something with threading and  
are investigating. However, the other day when we had the threads  
sharing a channel problem, the message in the same log was:

ERROR    2008-02-21 15:20:09,962   --send got Closed:  
Method(name=close, id=60) (502, 'SYNTAX_ERROR', 60, 40) content = None

Unfortunately we don't have a rabbit.log of the incident. It seems  
rabbit overwrites the old log when restarting without doing any form  
of log rotation (hint hint :-)

Any suggestions or anything I can do find the problem is very welcome!!!


Michael Arnoldus
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