[rabbitmq-discuss] Strange error report - any ideas anyone?

Michael Arnoldus chime at mu.dk
Fri Feb 22 09:43:41 GMT 2008


Yesterday I had avery weird failure on one of components communicating  
on AMQP. In the rabbit-log we have

=INFO REPORT==== 21-Feb-2008::15:20:09 === Syntax error collecting  
method content: {amqp,frame_error,none}

=INFO REPORT==== 21-Feb-2008::15:20:09 === Sending exception: Channel  
4, Reason {amqp,syntax_error,'basic.publish'}

Has anybody seen this before? Any ideas what the 'real' problem is?

I'd like to add that we have been using RabbitMQ for more than 6  
months and been very satisfied, so I suspect that it is us who is  
doing something we shouldn't and not a problem in RabbitMQ.


Michael Arnoldus
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