[rabbitmq-discuss] Experimental STOMP adapter available

David Leadbeater dgl at dgl.cx
Sun Feb 3 11:15:48 GMT 2008

On Sat, Feb 02, 2008 at 12:13:54AM +0000, Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:
> I’ve just made our experimental STOMP adapter to RabbitMQ available.
> STOMP (http://stomp.codehaus.org/Home) is a very simple messaging wire 
> protocol, with what appears to be fairly broad client support. I've only 
> personally experimented with the Perl Net::Stomp client, but according 
> to http://stomp.codehaus.org/Clients, there are a bunch of options 
> available.

Looks good.

I noticed in some other testing that Net::Stomp currently has a rather
large overhead as it does a getc for every single character in a
frame. Especially if you're consuming large messages (it was
noticeable around 8KB) then this has a huge overhead. It probably
would be quite easy to fix but I haven't looked into it yet.


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