[rabbitmq-discuss] "badarg ram_copies route binding" error since 1.5.0

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Fri Dec 19 23:14:40 GMT 2008


Aymerick Jéhanne wrote:
> Better than that, I have attached a ruby script to reproduce the 
> issue... and the associated log.

Thanks. Very useful.

> To be more precise:
> 1. First I launched "rabbitmq_issue.rb" script, but didn't reproduced 
> the issue
> 2. So I launched "rabbitmq_issue_2.rb" (durable queues / exchange with a 
> persistant message), and this time I reproduced the issue
> => The result is in "rabbitmq_issue_log.txt"

The one difference that stands out between the two versions is that the 
type of exchange changes from 'fanout' to 'topic'. Do you encounter the 
problem with that change alone? Also, are there any errors in the 


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