[rabbitmq-discuss] Adding users programatically

Ben Hood 0x6e6562 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 15:33:33 GMT 2008


> ----- Forwarded message from Johnny Lo <jlo at cs.up.ac.za> -----
> I am new to AMQP and RabbitMQ. I have managed to get some examples
> going, but cannot find ways to do user management programmatically. Is
> it possible to do this from a Java client or do I have to do this via
> the rabbitmqctl.bat provided? I did try to look at your document and API
> but couldn't find anything and I am sorry if I overlooked.

The only official way to do user management ATM is to use the
rabbitmqctl tool as described here:


The other undocumented way to do this programmtically would be to use
the underlying Erlang API (rabbitmqctl is just a wrapper for this).

Remoting this API via the Java client is not possible ATM. We have had
a few ideas to extend the command set that you could send from any
client, but this is just talk

Another alternative that you could use right now would be to devise
some kind of message format (e.g. JSON encoded) that you can send to
an embedded Erlang client that would execute against the Rabbit API.
There is a server side RPC handler component which could function as a
building block for this.

> Btw, I tested your latest version (1.4.0-beta) against the latest
> version of Erlang (5.5.6) and it didn't work but it works for version
> 5.5.5. If its working with 5.5.6, please let me know.

Yes, this is a known issue. When 1.4.0 was released, the latest Erlang
version was R12B-4 (5.5.5). Subsequently Ericsson has released R12B-5
(5.5.6) which works with the latest version from source control.



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