[rabbitmq-discuss] Using RabbitMQ as Messaging Exchange

Pete Kay petedao at gmail.com
Sun Aug 24 15:35:30 BST 2008

Hi Ben and Alexis,

Thank you very much for your helpful reply.

What I am planning to do is to have C clients publishing some events ( as
text message ) to RabbitMQ and on the other side, I would have Jave clients
that need to listen on the messages.

The tricky part is that I need something in between Java clients and
RabbitMQ to do the brokering based on an ID.  For example, the C clients
will associate each event with an ID.  Each Java client may listen to events
of one or more IDs.  I am not sure if I can program that brokering rule
within RabbitMQ or I need a singleton client to listen on all messages
coming out of RabbitMQ and then do the brokering to the end-clients.

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks alot for all your help.

Best Regards,

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 12:05 AM, Alexis Richardson <
alexis.richardson at cohesiveft.com> wrote:

> Pete
> On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Pete Kay <petedao at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I have a series of load-balanced clustered servers and they all publish
> > events in the form of text messages.  I am looking for using RabbitMQ to
> > listen on event messages from all the clustered servers and then publish
> it
> > out to subscribed clients.
> >
> > Is this something that RabbitMQ good at doing?
> Absolutely - yes.
> RabbitMQ has a model based on queues, which buffer (and optionally
> persist) messages on behalf of subscribers.  So when you publish a
> message to a RabbitMQ broker, it will be placed on one or more queues
> based on really simple filtering rules:
> - In the simplest case you can copy a message to *every* queue in the
> broker.  This is called 'fan out'.
> - Or, you can give each message a 'routing key', and then the broker
> will use this key to determine which queues to place the message on
> - You can also enable richer routing patterns
> We're here to help so please can you tell us a bit more about what
> kind of 'subscribed clients' you plan to use.  Also - what language
> are you writing your code in?  There are plenty of clients but it
> would be good to know which one you wish to use.
> > I am new to RabbitMQ.  Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
> There is some documentation here:
> http://www.rabbitmq.com/documentation.html
> Here is an introduction that may help:
> http://www.slideshare.net/somic/introduction-to-amqp-messaging-with-rabbitmq/
> alexis
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Pete
> >
> >
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