[rabbitmq-discuss] Endless Summer of Code: Go Forth And Multiply

Ben Hood 0x6e6562 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 01:34:11 BST 2008


As discussed earlier in a previous post, we are trying to encourage
greater community participation in the RabbitMQ project via the
Endless Summer of Code.

Part of that may include writing clients in their own favourite
language, developing adapters and extensions, creating test cases,
questioning the specification or contributing documentation.

To encourage greater participation, we have decided to reward
significant contributions by sending them out their very own "Go Forth
And Multiply" RabbitMQ T-Shirt, as modeled by the RabbitMQ dev team
here: https://dev.rabbitmq.com/wiki/EndlessSummerOfCode

Please note the terms and conditions :-)


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