[rabbitmq-discuss] pub-sub part 2: erlang consume

Alexis Richardson alexis.richardson at cohesiveft.com
Thu Apr 10 10:33:01 BST 2008



I meant to type 'cannot'!  Ahem...

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 10:12 AM, Alexis Richardson
<alexis.richardson at cohesiveft.com> wrote:
>  You CANNOT consume directly from an exchange.
>  So, yes, you must declare
>  at least one queue per consumer, bind it to at least one exchange, and
>  consume messages from the queue.  The queue is in effect 'subscribed'
>  to whichever topics match the binding pattern.


Alexis Richardson
+44 20 7617 7339 (UK)
+44 77 9865 2911 (cell)
+1 650 206 2517 (US)

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