[rabbitmq-discuss] Python / QPID to RabbitMQ....no MLLIB??

Dmitriy Samovskiy dmitriy.samovskiy at cohesiveft.com
Sun Sep 30 16:17:11 BST 2007

Hi Lynton,

Lynton Grice wrote:
> print 'Receiving message'
> t = ch.basic_consume(queue="testq", no_ack=True)
> q = client.queue(t.consumer_tag)
> msg = q.get(timeout=1)
> print 'Got message:', msg.content.body
> AttributeError: __eq__
> Traceback (innermost last):
> File "D:\tmp\Rabbit\rabbit.py", line 1, in ?
>   import sys
> File "D:\tmp\Rabbit\rabbit.py", line 27, in ?
>   msg = q.get(timeout=1)
> File "D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\qpid\queue.py", line 46, in get
>   if result == Queue.END:
> File "D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\qpid\message.py", line 61, in 
> __getattr__
>   raise AttributeError(attr)

I can't reproduce your problem. Could you post your entire script?

Alternatively, could you try running disttailf.py that I posted to the 
list earlier, as Alexis once suggested? You would need to adjust 
QPID_SVN_PATH to match location of qpid python libs on your system. 
Start consumer in one window as "disttailf.py -c" and then start a 
producer in another window as "disttailf.py d:\tmp\rabbit\rabbit.py" and 
let us know what you see.

- Dmitriy

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