[rabbitmq-discuss] Windows Install of RabbitMQ and Erlang in non C drive

joe lee codewalkerjoe at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 22:08:15 GMT 2007

I have installed my erlang in I:\Program Files\erl5.5.5 and placed
rabbitmq-1.2.0 into I:\Program Files\erl5.5.5\lib.  I have them installed on
Windows XP.

I have set the ERLANG_HOME as windows environment variable:
ERLANG_HOME = I:\Program Files\erl5.5.5\bin

and set RABBITMQ_BASE in rabbitmq-server.bat as:
set RABBITMQ_BASE=G:\dev\erlang_apps\rabbitmq

When I click on:
I:\Program Files\erl5.5.5\lib\rabbitmq-
1.2.0\erlang\rabbit\scripts\rabbitmq-server.bat, I get ms-dos prompt which
opens and closes right away.  I can't seem to get the rabbitmq server
running.   Erlang  shell is working fine.

Any help appreciated.

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