[rabbitmq-discuss] Multiple consumers

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Mon Jul 9 15:13:22 BST 2007


"Ben Hood" <0x6e6562 at gmail.com> writes:

> When I start a consumer, I assume that the amount of concurrency you
> can get on consumption is the amount of consumer threads that you
> start to listen on a queue.
> That is, if I am using the java client, if I only register one
> consumer, then the consumption of messages to a topic is going to be
> single threaded.
> Is this
> a) because the client doesn't execute the handleDelivery callback in a
> worker thread,
> b) this is a concern of the consumer, and so it should spawn new
> threads if it wants to consume messages concurrenly
> c) basic consume is the wrong mechanism for a competing consumer
> design pattern, i.e. you should try polling using a basic get, for
> example

I gather that what you are trying to accomplish is to pull items off a
queue and process them concurrently, correct?

The Java client libraries use one thread per connection, and the
handleDelivery callback is executed in that. So in order to process
messages concurrently you need to do one of the following:

- use multiple connections

- spawn a thread, perhaps from a pool, in handleDelivery

- introduce some Java queuing / synchronisation to let handleDelivery
pass messages to a pool of worker threads.

There is some support for the last method in the next version of the
client libraries, which introduces a QueuingConsumer class that places a
deliveries into a Java queue from where they can be removed by worker
threads. There are many possible alternative designs though. For
example, you may want to use a bounded queue in order to get some flow

> I assume also that the same logic applies if you implement your
> consumers using the native erlang API.

Are you referring to the queue API that is used by the management
service? In that case, yes, in essence you have similar design choices
there on how to process the 'deliver' messages sent to the native queue
process. Be aware though that with this API you are implementing a
*queue*, not a *client*. So, for example, you end up blocking the
channel process through which the message was sent until you return from
the 'deliver' call.

> BTW, what things do you have to consider when using the native API, if
> you want to program your application in erlang. As far as I can tell,
> it's pretty straightforward with the semantics being the same as the
> java API except that you don't have the framing in the middle.

That depends on what APIs you are using. Much of the AMQP semantics is
concerned with notions of connections and channels, and much of the that
is tied up with networking code in the rabbit_{reader,writer,channel}
modules. Also, many aspects of the protocol, such as access control, are
dealt with in rabbit_channel, since they are closely tied to the notion
of a channel. So if you are bypassing all that and instead are directly
calling into the modules for exchange, queue etc, then quite a big chunk
of AMQP is cut out, though you are still left with the "essence" of
routing and queuing.

A should also point out that none of the Erlang APIs are official, and
they *will* change.

Several people have asked whether there is an Erlang client for AMQP,
i.e. an Erlang API that implements the client portion of the
protocol. There currently isn't, but it is definitely something we'd
like to see developed. Contributions are welcome. Such a client would
present a relatively stable and interoperable API for Erlang code
wanting to use AMQP. It could also be designed in a way that allows the
framing to be bypassed when talking to RabbitMQ.


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