[rabbitmq-discuss] Fwd: Message expiry in topics

Ben Hood 0x6e6562 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 15:29:12 BST 2007

(Forwarding to the list)

> The spec is silent on this.
> RabbitMQ treats 'expiration' as an opaque field - we pass it along but
> don't do anything with it.

The scenario where I was thinking about this has been covered by the
other post, because I was imagining a topic with many readers that
each get each message delivered to them once. So for example with a
price feed, you set up a queue per consumer and the queue could
persumeably be cleaned up when the consumer dies. You would not need
to have messages expire or manually purge the queue, if the cleanup
were automatic. Does this work with rabbitmq?

Also, if you publish to an exchange with a routing key for which there
is no bound queue, then what happens to those messages (this is a
scenario where there is a producer but no interested consumers)?

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