[rabbitmq-discuss] Disk/Memory Usage with RabbitMQ

Barry Pederson bp at barryp.org
Thu Dec 27 21:29:24 GMT 2007

Matthias Radestock wrote:

> How are you consuming messages from the queues? Delivered messages 
> (persistent or not) need to be acknowledged explicitly with basic.ack 
> unless the noAck flag for basic.get/basic.consume was set to true.

Yes, I've been trying both basic.ack and the noAck flag - so that part 
sounds OK.

> Also, what happens when you do one of the following:
> - close and re-open the channel on which messages have been consumed
> - close and re-open the connection on which messages have been consumed
> - restart the server
> and then start consuming messages from the same queues? Do you get 
> messages back that you have received before? If so that would be an 
> indication that you are not sending acknowledgments.

Haven't seen any repeated messages, so I guess that messages that were 
consumed were acked.  For the most part though, I don't have any queues 
at all bound to the exchange to which the persistent messages are being 

After restarting the server just now, memory usage was back down, and 
the rabbit_persister.LOG file was fairly small (62k), where the 
rabbit_persister.LOG.previous is about 2.1mb

I'm fairly certain though that on another occasion a week or so ago, a 
restarted server came back up with large memory usage and a big 
rabbit_persister.LOG - I ended up wiping out the mnesia directory to get 
things back to square one.

>> Are there any other Erlang commands for examining the system to see
>> where any logjams may be?
> Try
> [process_info(P) || P <- processes(),
>                     process_info(P, memory) > {memory, 100000}].
> which will list the details of all processes with a memory consumption 
> greater than 100000 bytes.

On first startup, the above bit just returns []

trying again after things grow for a while results in


And somewhat later on


Looks like "heap_size" and "reductions" are growing.

>> Would publishing persistent messages to a durable exchange with no 
>> queues bound to it at all (yet) cause the messages to stick around?
> You might be on to something there. My own testing shows a surprising 
> growth in memory and the persister log in this scenario. I will do some 
> more digging.

Ah good, I'm glad it's not just me.  Not knowing much Erlang I'm at a 
bit of a loss when it comes to troubleshooting this.


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