[rabbitmq-discuss] London based Erlang event tonight

Alexis Richardson alexis.richardson at cohesiveft.com
Thu Dec 13 14:52:16 GMT 2007

Hi all,

I have received the following email from our friends at Erlang Training
and Consulting.  Please take a look.  There is a kick-off talk tonight...


Please pass this on to anyone you might think is interested: As you
might have read from the Erlang mailing list,  we have started a user
group for Erlang enthusiasts based in and around London. The aim is to
have regular meetings allowing users to network and brainstorm, newbies
to get their questions answered and enthusiasts to vent their ideas and
frustrations. Presentations will be a regular occurrence, followed by
the mandatory erllounges.

The user group is initiated by Erlang Training and Consulting as an
attempt to formalize the presentations which are regularly held in its
offices and Skills Matter, a company specializing in training around
Open Source technologies.

To sign up and receive future event notifications and local notices, visit

We willl be kicking off the user group on December 13th with a generic
presentation on Erlang for Five Nines. Looking at the history of Erlang,
its features, community research and commercial use. The talk will also
go into why Erlang, originally invented to handle the next generation
of  Telecom products, has been successful in a much wider range of
sectors including banking and e-commerce. Attendance is free, but you
need to register with the hosts of the presentation, Skills Matter Ltd..
For their address and to register, visit

The above presentation should last 1.5 hours including a 30 minute
question session and is the perfect introductory presentation to Erlang,
past, present and future. Feel free to pass it on to anyone you might
think might be interested in attending.

See you there!


Alexis Richardson
+44 20 7617 7339 (UK)
+44 77 9865 2911 (cell)
+1 650 206 2517 (US)

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