[rabbitmq-discuss] Error while starting server

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Wed Aug 15 09:06:06 BST 2007


Goel, Tanmay wrote:
> I have recently started using RabbitMQ. It has been working fine for me 
> until today. When I try to start the server, I get this error. I have 
> also attached the auto-generated crash/dump report. Please have a look 
> and see if somebody has a suggestion about what the problem might be.

Did anything get written to the rabbit.log and rabbit-sasl.log files? I 
see you are running on Windows, where these files are normally found in 
the rabbitmq sub-directory of your home directory, i.e. usually 
C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\rabbitmq.



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