[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 1.1.0-alpha released

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Wed Aug 1 12:09:30 BST 2007

The RabbitMQ team is pleased to announce the release of RabbitMQ

This release contains several bug fixes and enhancements in the
RabbitMQ server, the Java client libraries, and the examples, as well
as improvements to the documentation and packaging. A summary of the
changes is included below.

Binary and source distributions of the new release can be found in the
usual place, at

The release implements AMQP 0-8, which is unchanged from the previous
release. For details of compatibility see

We recommend that all users of earlier versions of RabbitMQ upgrade to
the new version.

As always, we welcome any questions, bug reports, and other feedback on
this release, as well as general suggestions for features and
enhancements in future releases. Mail us via the RabbitMQ discussion
list at rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com, or directly at
info at rabbitmq.com

We have started work on implementing the upcoming 0-10 version of the
AMQP specification, and expect to issue our next major release of
RabbitMQ when we have made sufficient progress on that. Before then we
may schedule in some minor bug fix releases.

Meanwhile, have fun with RabbitMQ 1.1.0-alpha!


The RabbitMQ Team

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