[rabbitmq-announce] RabbitMQ 2.1.1 release

Vlad Ionescu vlad at rabbitmq.com
Wed Oct 20 00:41:33 BST 2010

The RabbitMQ team is pleased to announce the release of RabbitMQ 2.1.1.

This release fixes a number of bugs and introduces some enhancements,
including exchange to exchange bindings and some performance
improvements, in the server and clients.

As always, we welcome any questions, bug reports, and other feedback on
this release, as well as general suggestions for features and
enhancements in future releases. Mail us via the RabbitMQ discussion
list at rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com, or directly at
info at rabbitmq.com.


  The RabbitMQ Team
-------------- next part --------------
Release: RabbitMQ 2.1.1

Release Highlights

 - add exchange to exchange bindings. See
   www.rabbitmq.com/extensions.html#exchange-bindings. Blog post forthcoming.
 - reduce disk use when creating and deleting queues
 - faster connection termination and queue deletion for connections
   that use exclusive queues
 - miscellaneous persister performance improvements
 - extend queue leases on declaration
 - add 'client_flow' channel info item for 'rabbitmqctl list_channels'
 - add SSL information for 'rabbitmqctl list_connections'
 - enforce restrictions regarding the default exchange
 - add version information to database - for future upgrades
 - better memory detection on AIX

bug fixes
 - fix a bug that could kill rabbit after a queue.purge
 - fix a bug which could cause 'rabbitmqctl list_connections' to crash
   some of the connection handlers
 - reduce per-queue memory back to expected levels
 - don't ignore channel.flow when there were no consumers
 - fix some bugs that caused too few or too many stats to be emitted

java client
bug fixes
 - eliminate the possibility of deadlock when opening channels at the
   same times as others are being closed
 - move heartbeat sender into a separate thread to ensure that missing
   heartbeats are detected promptly in all cases

.net client
 - added a means to detect when channel.flow is active

building & packaging
 - better use of dialyzer: report more warnings
 - better dependency handling in server build, reducing rebuilds

The database schema has not changed since version 2.1.0, so user accounts,
durable exchanges and queues, and persistent messages will all be retained
during the upgrade.

If, however, you are upgrading from a release prior to 2.1.0, when the
RabbitMQ server detects the presence of an old database, it moves it to a
backup location, creates a fresh, empty database, and logs a warning. If
your RabbitMQ installation contains important data then we recommend you
contact support at rabbitmq.com for assistance with the upgrade.

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