<div dir="ltr">Hi ,<br><br>I've inherited a system from a departing user and it seems to work, but there are intermittent problems and I feel that if I understood what was going on, then I could help support it better.<br>
<br>Please note this is a complicated system using elastic cloud instances and load balancers, but the principle is that when a new instance starts, it needs to join the rabbit cluster. I do appreciate that asking for help when trying to debug my system may be a "hiding to nothing" but I just want to try and understand the joining cluster aspect.<br>
<br>Whenever a new server instance starts a custom bash script (written by my company) runs. Here is the rabbit part of the script:<br><br>1: echo "CONFIGURING RABBIT CLUSTER" <br>2: echo "Stopping Rabbit on localhost"<br>
3: while [[ -z $RABBIT_HOST ]]; do<br>4: echo `date` "Trying to find Rabbit Host to cluster"<br>5: sudo rabbitmqctl start_app<br>6: sleep $WAIT_TIME<br>7: sudo rabbitmqctl stop_app<br>8: RABBIT_HOST=`curl -s -u guest:guest $PRIVATE_LOAD_BALANCER_HOSTNAME:15672/api/nodes | /home/ubuntu/bin/jq -r 'map(select(.running and .type == "disc")) | .[0].name'`<br>
9: if [ -n $RABBIT_HOST ]; then<br>10: echo `date` "Found Rabbit Host"<br>11: fi <br>12: done<br>13:<br>14: echo `date` ": Joining Rabbit with cluster on " $RABBIT_HOST<br>15: sudo rabbitmqctl join_cluster $RABBIT_HOST<br>
16: echo "Starting Rabbit on localhost"<br>17: sudo rabbitmqctl start_app<br><br>Here are my questions:<br><br>Line 2 : why do we want to "stop rabbit"? I feel this comment is very misleading, since RabbitMQ as an entity will not stop. What would "stopping rabbit" achieve?<br>
<br>Lines 5-7 : I can see that the rabbit command start_app is executed, followed by a wait then a stop_app. Why? What does this achieve? Why start then stop? Can these steps just be missed out?<br><br>Line 8: curl (and other tools) are used to query the load balancer try and assign a value to the variable RABBIT_HOST. I get this, since we want to cluster this instance to the load balancer.<br>
<br>Line 12: If this is successful, the while-do loop ends and the command to join the cluster is issued.<br><br>Line 15: We join the cluster. Fine, although can we only join a cluster after "stop_app" has run?<br>
<br>Line 17: We run start_app again! Why??? <br><br>I really don't understand this whole stop_app / start_app business. Can anyone shed any light onto what this is trying to achieve?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Phil<br></div>