<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi,<br></div>I am seeing an issue with our management plugin on our production cluster. It is a 4 node cluster running RabbitMQ 3.1.1, Erlang R15B03 with the management plugin enabled on all 4 nodes. We had many hundreds of consumers running over night and shut all queueing down several hours ago and saw the connection/channel count drop to 0 yet the consumer count is still stuck on 260 (pic attached).<br>
<br></div>- all 4 nodes show the same thing in the UI<br></div>- all 4 nodes indicate 0 when running rabbitmqctl list_consumers<br></div>- I cleared the cache in the web browser and tried multiple web browsers and see the same thing<br>
<br></div>Has anyone seen this before? Its not a huge deal to us, but it is confusing for sure. Thanks!<br><br></div>- Eric Berg<br></div>