<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>I create a queue as this:<br></div>exchange: smart<br></div>routingkey: smart_2<br>queue: smart_2<br></div>I use 4 publisher sending messages to this queue and 1 consumer to receive the messages.the consumer when connect to the rabbitmq server , first it declare the queue "smart_2" to:<br>
</div>exchange: smart_2<br></div>routingkey: smart_2<br></div>queue: smart_2<br></div>then it get messages from queue smart_2<br></div><div><br></div><div>is this delcare affect the message order?<br></div><div><br></div>
i find it receive messages disorder sometimes, just like: first receive messges in current time and then receive messages several hour ago, the interval is not regular.<br><br></div>os: rhel 6.3<br></div>erlang: R16B<br></div>
rabbitmq: 3.0.2<br></div><div>pyhon client: kombu<br></div><div><br></div>i want to know the exact reason that the messages in disorder. this <span class="">situation </span>appears occasionally so it not easy to find the exact reason.<br>